Dream Challenges

Dream Challenges
Life Changing Events

Tuesday, 15 December 2015


Each new year that arrives gives the opportunity to take on a new challenge! Problem is when it comes down to it getting the inspiration and the motivation to put the wheels in motion can be tricky. We blame this on many different reasons... I am too old, too over weight or I just don't have enough time. 

Well, a bit of inspiration for you is that  in 2015 we had 4000 people take on our challenges and we know that each person had different levels of fitness, variety of reasons for doing the challenge, a range of ages and all from different walks of life. 

We wanted to delve a bit deeper and so here is the story of how our repeat participant Janet Duchenese found her motivation to take on a challenge for the last three years. 

I vowed to help the community...

I signed up for the Jordan trek 2015 after completing the Uganda trek the year before in 2014.  We signed up for Uganda to raise money for Alzheimer’sResearch UK as Steve’s father has Dementia and many of our friends also have family suffering from this.

While in Uganda we came across the Nkuringo Foundation and Primary School near our last camp where we saw the gorillas.  I vowed to help the community which is without running water or electricity and where many children are unable to go to school.  I signed up for the Jordan trek to help this village.  Since then we have a 100 strong sponsorship and have helped 75 children attend school – plus providing clothes, shoes and musical instruments for the community (Dream Challenges as an organisation is a sponsor!).

We are now raising money to build two more classrooms as the project has been so successful there is no more space in the school!  We have started to help a small pigmy reservation near the village as well as paying for three pigs and a sow to provide the children with a more varied diet (from their piglets – these will remain breeding pigs).

All the work my husband Steve and I have done is thanks to the inspiration of Dream Challenges.  We have just started the building project for classrooms with our ladder challenge – started yesterday and already four rungs in!

We have signed up to trek India next year with Dream Challenges – also for this school and community.

Steve and I will be 62 when we do the India trek.  The last three years have been a roller coaster thanks to Dream Challenges – and we aint finished yet!


Thank you to Janet for sharing your story with us! 

To all of you thinking about taking on a new challenge even if you don't sign up for a 2016 challenge use 2016 to prepare for one of our 2017 challenges! Check out our website for all the details. 

We cant wait to help you #Make2016Count! 

Feel Inspired? To find out more about Dream Challenges events please visit the website or contact us directly: 


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